A Guide to Setting Combine For Soybeans
A combine harvester is equipment that can be used to harvest any kind of crop. Whether it is wheat, rye, corn, sunflower, or soybean all kinds of crops can be harvested using the combine. All that is needed to be done is to change the settings. By setting combine for soybeans, it possible to use the harvester to harvest soybean crop. The harvester can be used to change settings so that any crop can be easily harvested.
Harvesting Soybean
Soybeans belong to the legume family and well-known for their high protein content. They are strongly recommended for vegetarians and vegans who do not get protein from meat. Soy is used as a food and also to prepare soymilk, which is used by vegans as a substitute to cow’s milk. Apart from being protein-rich, soybean also has high fiber content. There are a number of health benefits from eating soybeans.
Harvesting soybeans is done using the combine harvester. By setting combine for soybeans, it is easy for farmers to harvest this crop. As is well-known, the combine harvester combines the three processes of reaping, winnowing, and threshing. Crops can be harvested easily and quickly with cleaner grain.
Combine settings
Setting combine for soybeans needs to be known before starting the harvesting process. The combine settings can be changed easily. This can be done by the technician at the time of purchase of the combine. The farmer can even make the settings change on his own. The manual provided by the company can be referred to for changing the settings. Once the settings are changed, the combine can be used to harvest the soybean crop.
The following is an overview about how setting combine for soybeans can help you easily harvest the crop:
• It is preferred to use the 3-inch sickle bar for better harvesting.
• While using the combine, it is better to use draper heads than platforms fed by augers.
• The settings for the cross auger clearance should be one-sixteenth inch between the tray and the fighting.
• The reel ground and the ground speed should be synchronized. The RPM of the reel should be ten times that of ground speed.
• The feeder chain adjustment should be one thread lesser than when fully extended.
• The rotor speed should be 1 RPM less than the first cracked soybean in the grain tank.
• The fan speed should be up until all the hulls have left the grain tank. After this, it should be slowed down by 50 RPM.
• The concave clearance should be adjusted to the volume of material that flows through the rotor.
• Using filler plates is recommended to improve the efficiency of threshing.
• The bottom sieve should be left wide open to allow the air to flow to the top sieve.
• The top sieve should be in close until 99% clean soybeans are filled in the grain tank.
The above setting can be used in the combine to ensure the soybean harvest is carried out for the best result.

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