Get the Right Part from the Combine Parts Manufacturers for Your Harvester
For the harvester to work in full flow, the individual parts must work well. For this, the farmer must maintain the machine with timely repair and cleaning work. If there is anything that needs replacing, they can get it from the combine parts manufacturers by visiting their showroom. Working the harvester with faulty parts is dangerous, as it may stop working in the middle of the harvesting season. Your harvest will stop midway and it might cause damage to the crop.
Different Combine Parts
Many parts combine to give the concave harvester its drive. We can see the combine parts manufacturers supply them as:
● Reel pulley
● Motor pulley
● Chain links
● Elevator chain
● Tawa
● Head for all combines
● Guide drum housing
Other than these, there are the seep jali, shafts, gears, nuts, bolts, pins, bush, super heavy tan, spike, and finger.
Different Blades for the Combine
The shape and size of the blades also change with changing functions. You can get a variety of blades also from the combine parts manufacturers that include:
● Combine blades
● Straw reaper blades
● Rotator blades
● Thresher blades
Have the correct part for the machine while harvesting and you will have a great harvest. Using the right blade helps improve harvesting efficiency.
Choice of Chains from the Manufacturer
If your machine has a worn-out chain, it is important to replace it as early as possible. The manufacturer and supplier have state-of-the-art facilities to make custom chains to the specifications of the client. They give you chain links, bullet chains, elevator chains, and feeder chains. They give you a chain link and chain lock if that is what you want for your harvester.
Do the Maintenance Regularly
It is not possible to run the harvester all the time and get the best results. You must take a break and go over the machine to check for snags and loose chains. If needed, you can replace worn-out parts after getting them from the combine parts manufacturers by ordering online. Their mechanic will come around and help you with your order. Here are the things you can do to keep the harvester in top condition:
1. The roller chains on a corn head remain open to repeated friction. When the chain is past its prime, it expands faster. It is vital to maintain the proper tension in the chain for proper running. If not, the chains jump on the teeth of the gear running them.
2. A small amount of damage to the rasp bar or the concave section will increase the yield loss and decrease harvest efficiency. Maybe there is a small hole that allows the corn to go through. You must replace the concave section.
3. Check the condition of the sieve in the cleaning shoe area.Cob composition affects the threshing value directly. You need to check how easy it is to break the cob and set the threshing value accordingly. For soybeans, the problem will be with green stems. Primary grain loss occurs because of platforms and heads. Also, check to see that the side belts do not run too fast. When they do, the swaths on both sides merge into a single layer. This dense layer needs more effort and time to thresh.

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