Make the Most of the Hay Day With This Pre-season Inspection Checklist

There is an old saying, "Make Hay While the Sun Shines" which has been around for hundreds of years. It means to take advantage of the chance to do something while conditions are still good. Since hay gets destroyed if it gets too wet, the farmers used to take the opportunity when the weather was hot and sunny to cut and gather the hay. Therefore, making hay while the sun shines began as a sensible and practical piece of farming advice. Since hay gets damaged if it gets excessively wet, farmers used to take advantage of the sunny and hot weather to cut and gather the hay. When the hay season is around the corner, farmers pull their machines or combine out in order to start work. It is advised to inspect your machine thoroughly 2-3 weeks before the start of the season. You can start with a checklist that we have created, start work on this checklist. (We have included a checklist worksheet at the bottom of this article to help) 1. Start with inspecting the tires of your ma...