Why Should One Invest In John Deere S Series Combine?

For over 100 years, John Deere has been building and providing a wide range of harvesting equipment, which with every upgrade, offers better overall harvesting performance. One of the popular series from John Deere is the S Series combine which features a single rotor technology. This was born as a result of years of testing and feedback from their customers. John Deere’s S Series combines is a quintessential all-rounder combine that can show expected performance in various harvesting areas. The S Series offers some of the features that make it preferable to most. Here are 3 solid reasons why you should invest in a John Deere S Series combine harvester . Low Operating Costs Where combine harvesters are concerned, the low operating costs feature will always be preferred. Large machines require high operating costs in general. But when it comes to John Deere’s S Series, the single rotor technology requires a lot fewer moving parts, and hence it is possible to operate it with lower p...